Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Strawberries, etc

slowly, they show up.  one , maybe two three or four, but never so much as a basket full.

Meanwhile, I've spent way too much time surfing the web looking at blenders, because my little 14 oz Ham Beach just doesn't chop well & smells like the motor burning out--not dead yet, but likely soon.   I was  looking because my #13 tooth hurts, or what's left of it above the crown, which was swollen yesterday.  I shoved a gum probe up and relieved some of the pressure--likely an abscess that wants to kill me.  For now, though, I'm going to blend as much as possible into protein rich smoothies.  Some cranberries that'd been in the freezer for 6-8 years are proving handy, as are the bunches of sweet fennel growing on the back deck.  The Vitamix brand comes up often, as does Blendtec.  I bought a Blendtec from with an 8 year warranty.  Should be here in about 5 days.

I hiked 5.5 mile (second day in a row).  Nobody else walking at a serious pace.  iPod playing Corelli violin sonatas, very fine.

Socks:  lousy stinking liner socks from ages ago.  I can't get myself to throw them out.  They slide down my feet and make their way to my toes bunching up underneath.  thpt!

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