Thursday, July 25, 2013

Butterfly swimming 3

Yesterday, Keith's butterly drill was to swim straight arm free style with flutter kick and work on the final phase of the arm part of the stroke, "throwing" the hand toward the feet as they finish.  I changed the drill to swimming with dolphin kick to work in the rhythm of the stroke.   I swam 40 minutes, working on drills to figure out how to swim smooth butterfly.  On the way out of the pool, I reconsidered and jumped back in to swim a few more strokes.  A one armed stroke on alternating sides followed by two full butterfly strokes, repeat to the end of the pool.  It felt so strange to bring my arms forward in recover and have them enter the water after my head.  So many details:  straight arm recovery, hip flexion and dolphin kicking, the aggressive push off by hands before beginning the recover, emphasizing forward rather than up/down motion, trying to breath without excessive vertical motion.

The last few strokes felt fluid and smooth, but sadly, I feared that feeling wouldn't persist if I stayed in the pool much longer.

All that exhausted me.  I don't believe that I've caught up on producing red cells after giving two units of red cells 8 days ago.

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