Saturday, July 13, 2013

Dirty bathrooms

This pit stop in Shelton is a grocery store which I perceived as quite ordinary with the standard produce, meat, dairy, dry goods and frozen sections.  Nothing extraordinary on the face of it.

I bought a yogurt as my self-imposed "ticket" to use the bathroom.  I found the unisex bathroom about 20 feet past a doorway in the produce section.  One person stood waiting for it before me waiting just past that doorway.  We could smell the bathroom from there.  When my turn came to use the facility, I found it in seriously dirty if not outright unhealthy condition.  It smelled and appeared that the toilet had not been cleaned for ages--under those conditions, one simply breathes through one's mouth to avoid offending one's nose.  The only saving grace:    once I washed my hands, I could get a paper towel using the motion-sensor activated towel dispenser, and use the towel to open the door to let myself out forever and return, happily never after.

I can't buy food handled by employees using such a bathroom.  Yuk to the fourth power.

Taking care of a business is taking care of the details.  Maybe margins are very low in the grocery business, but if one cannot afford to keep a bathroom clean, why not just rent an outhouse outsource the responsibility?

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