Saturday, July 13, 2013

Guam again

Food is free?  Yes, Ralph says every day in Guam, someone is having a party of some sort or other, a wedding, a birthday, etc. 
To every Fiesta, everyone is invited, no invitation necessary--it is just assumed.  The word spreads that a party will be held at such & such street and people will show up, blocking the street with their parked cars. Total strangers are welcome.  no one need buy food if one can just stay alert for Fiestas.  The food usually comes from the military base PX where every shopper is buying for eight people and paying prices that one would find on the mainland.  The grocery stores will charge eight to twelve dollars for a gallon of expired milk, while fresh milk will sell for $5 a gallon at the PX.  Ralph estimates that one of three persons in Guam has a military service history and therefore can shop at the PX.

Bigotry in Guam.  The Chuuks are the lowest of the low, the untouchables.  Guamanian employers will pay them substandard wages and lay them off days short of the threshold for providing benefits.  

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