Saturday, July 13, 2013

Manchester style bread

Inspired by the NY times kneadless bread recipe (Mark Bittman, food writer)
My variation for the Manchester race:
225 gm bread flour
225 gm whole wheat flour
1/4 teaspoon yeast
1.5 teaspoons salt
380 gm water

I started this Thursday morning.  Flour on the bottom, salt and yeast on top.  Filtered water, without chlorine, goes in last.  It all sits for 15 minutes before mixing.  After mixing, it ferments at room temperature 68 deg F (20 deg C) for 3 hours.  I put it into the fridge for ~5 hours, then I used a soft spatula to turn the dough in the bowl a few times, then left at room temp again to sit overnight.  Friday morning, at ~1030 I gave it the spatula again and turned it onto a bran covered towel and let it sit for about three hours.

From a preheated 450 degree oven, I brought out the Dutch oven and carefully laid the risen dough inside, covered it and let it bake for 37 minutes.  I removed the cover and let it bake for 8 more minutes.

Nice chewy bread, unlike anything we could buy at any store.

I took the bread to the Sound Rowers' Manchester race.  Definitely worth the 30 hours of prep time.

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