Monday, July 22, 2013

Butterfly swimming 2

I just want to swim a bit better--i.e., a bit better than myself, not anybody else.  I go to masters swim hour at the YMCA where Keith L. gives tips.  Today, I walked 6 miles with a 17 lb pack from 2:40 to 4:15, but didn't hydrate adequately, most likely causing cramps in the pool 3.5 hours later.

I view videos.
Today: second viewing of this YouTube video.  The clip gets better and makes more sense as I take it to the pool.  I adopted the dry land mimic of the arm/hip motions JimmyDShea shows us here.  Good to watch to burn the rhythm into neurons.  Next, I hope to achieve muscle memory.  I have discovered my error of rushing the stroke, which caused me to nearly drown--I swim a one arm drill and a slow full stroke often, while monitoring my hip motion.

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