Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Unused intellect at Sunset Air

The boiler was cycling frequently, yes, in the middle of summer.  And I noticed that the kitchen's radiators were warm.

I called Sunset Air.  They came, they looked and they billed.

They didn't really do much except look at some flow control valves and seeing the rust, said, that needs to be replaced.  Suggested that I leave the system off until winter. Advised me on the mechanics of how to replace the rusted valve.

Au contraire, I inspected the valve after they left and noticed the lever on top could turn.  I turned it clockwise and turned on the boiler.  The boiler cycled on and turned off for at least 12 hours, maybe more, and none of the radiators were warm.  Problem solved.  First, I'm a dummy.  2nd, Sunset Air's tech might also be one.

Worse yet, Dan Weber of Sunset Air. wrote an outrageous estimate of the labor to replace it: 6 hours!!!

Hey Dan, are you trying to finance a new boat?  Usual Dan type performance.  Doesn't return calls. And unfamiliar with what he's estimating.

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