Monday, August 15, 2016

Gary's WEstern Wash hang

That was wonderful.  First, the temperature dropped about a refreshing 15 degrees lower than the 79 F in Aberdeen.

Who was there?  Host Gary R. and GF Dawn, Dawn's dgtr Hannah, son Logan, Logan's friend Tanner, Logan's friend Maddie, Hannah's BF Tim.  Where is everyone sleeping?
Well, the kids are sleeping in this:

I brought a crab pasta, w/basil, green peppers, zucchini, garlic, Romano cheese I'd made that afternoon.

Dawn made Cheeseburgers.

Saturday, Kayt came with dog Haley, who sleeps in the foot box of her hammock.

Then, many hours later, John came with Sarah, They got lost after AT&T's cell signal faded, and their smartphones couldn't navigate without. I am confused.   In this day, any number of smart phone apps can provide guidance without a cell phone signal--they use a GPS signal. Sarah said, John gets lost just going across town.  John wore a cargo vest and cargo pants with pockets chock full of knives and knife sharpeners.  He showed Logan how to sharpen a knife with a diamond sharpener.  Kayt saw the sharpener and swore she would buy one. I showed him my French pocketknife and he produced one that looked exactly the same but in the next larger size.  This is one guy you do not try to surprise.  For all I know he had a machete tucked in between his cheeks.  Sarah said something about shady characters around the apartment where she lives--I thought with a knife crazy boyfriend like john, that she would have a giant bayonet that she would brandish on leaving or approaching her home.

Kayt saw the clip on the paper towel roll--she had to have one of those!  It was a table cloth clip for picnic tables repurposed for paper towels.

Kayt's truck was loaded with camping gear, including the tent that could have been welded to the frame, as it probably would stay there until she got a new truck.

I biked to the Moclips store, buying olive oil and apple juice for the rib barbecue, Went for a ride to as far north as the Moclips Hwy, then turned south as the speed limit rose to 50 mph. Rode to Pacific Beach and then Seabrook.  Houses in all phases of completion at Seabrook.  Almost down to the beach.  I can imagine how a tsunami would affect all that.  Back at camp 1:10 after starting.  Back to the store for BBQ sauce, then back to the gate to close it after John/Sara left it open.  Many cold stretches with wind.  A hot shower brought pain to my cold fingers.

The ribs, prepared by Gary, tasted fantastic.  Juicy, with the meat just falling off the bones.  Sarah looks at the ribs, asking "is that pork?"  Me: "Yep, are you Jewish?" Sarah, taking a nibble: "Yeah"   Me: "It's kosher pork."  Did Sarah smile?

Sunday, a 2nd great nights sleep in the hammock for me.  I haven't been sleeping indoors in my hammock at home for a few weeks now.  Naps, yes, but not overnight.

John and Sara, packed and on the road back to Portland before 11 a.m.  Kayt on the road to Vancouver, WA about 30 min later.  Me packed and on the road not long after that.  The further away you live, the later you arrive and the sooner you leave.  Interesting?

Great times. I thank Gary and Dawn.

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