Sunday, February 20, 2011

Outrigger club meeting

Yesterday, baked a 600 gm (flour weight) loaf of no knead raisin bread & went to Hui Va'a O Wakinikona meeting in Renton, where we inked forms & checks for USAC/K and for the Hui Va'a. Carl Cook, Bill Anderson's paddling partner, joined the club. Heard some discussion about practice recovering after a Huli and practice putting on a life vest after a capsize. I didn't say it: We live in a very cool climate and sail over cold waters--aside from sweating a little more, what do we lose by just wearing our flotation?

Made a comment on inability of skirts on the Mirage canoe to keep water out during the Gorge races. Ixnay on suspenders.

Found out why members dislike the old Calimar canoe in waves: no rocker, goes under water in waves. I'm now aware of request to membership of mother organization for $$ for new canoe. I wonder how we justify this request when the number of active paddlers has declined?

Abby C. said she'd just acquired a Dutch oven for baking no knead bread. wooo-o-o-o weee-e-e-e.

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