Thursday, February 17, 2011

No time on water

So-o-o-o cold out there. 37 deg F. Snow falling in cold wet blotches.

Almost a week has elapsed since the Kalama outrigger race. I had a good race with the smaller paddle that I bought soon after getting my canoe. I did something in the race that I almost never do: pass other boats. For the first time I could tell how differences in my technique were affecting my progress relative to other paddlers. Every other race that I've been in, once half the race was over, not much ever changed in my standing relative to the field. Raising my stroke rate and finishing the stroke by mid thigh seemed to make my boat move faster. As soon as I got lazy, lengthening the stroke and/or dropping the stroke rate, my boat began to lose inches to other boats.

Pre-race, I'd cautioned Mark McDermott re: his paddling the club Makia in the mild chop that day. dunno if that was bad etiquette. If I had my neurons up to operating temperature, I would have offered to switch canoes.

Slept in the car at Target for an hour after the race.

I saw some excellent instruction on outrigger paddling on YouTube. One by Mountain Home Canoe Club. Others by Hano Hano CC. I'll probably forget by the time I get back on the water. I cannot get enthusiastic about paddling, knowing that I'll start cold, take a while to warm up, finish warm and chill again after taking out.

Weather experts predicted sun the day after the canoe race, and indeed 'twas. As well as a great day to ski Nordic at Cabin Creek.

Jeff Freed came over yesterday on my note of having fresh bread for him. Was good. Also prepared a simple 10 minute pasta.

Two more loaves of bread out of the oven today. One loaf plain w/sesame seeds another with raisins--1/2 of each to John Forrester. One could put on a few pounds.

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