Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another cold day

Yes, the clouds parted to let some sun in, but by the time I got on the water, haziness in the sky filtered out the brightest of the earthbound rays. No heat came down with the light.

Maybe it got to 48 deg F.--probably not. After 40 minutes paddling up the Chehalis, I still didn't have warm hands. Turning back, I faced the mild but cold wind. Fleece windblock hat and long neoprene top and bottom just didn't keep enough heat in. I changed my clothes at the car. Back up to the house. hot food and drinks. Big down parka even though inside temp was 64 deg F. I am ready to go to Kona and sweat!

I opened a jar of the tuna John Forrester gave me. Mixed with Mayo and a few squirts of Tabasco and spread on my no-knead bread. It doesn't get any better than this.

Looked at the calendar in anticipation of my week in Kona. What the Mao happened to February 29th and 30th? They disappeared and so did two days of my vacation! Discovered that it would cost at least $180 to change flights--ixnay on that. I need to keep a "free" trip free.

9 p.m. Mixed more no-knead bread dough for baking in a.m.

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