Thursday, February 17, 2011

Notes from another blog v1.2

Friday, 24 March 2006

Now Playing: Ohhhh, little one?
Oh, Little one!

You poor, poor little Rumpelstiltskin!

Do you get out of bed everyday looking for a reason to get angry? You came to work today and didn't examine your patient! A SaO2 of 93%. hmmmm. chronic bronchitis. morbid obesity. Maybe you should redirect your anger a little closer to the source. I suggest you prepare your patient for surgery. Don't expect me to tune them up for you. I don't like you, because I worry that you'll misinterpret any comment as disrespectful. Your insecurity has made Me feel insecure. Now how did I let that happen?

I do tune up patients for other surgeons, but I don't touch yours because I don't owe you any favors. You tried so hard to get me canned--you failed--now YOU are leaving. If they're not ready for surgery, I'd just rather bow out and let someone else expose your patient to risk. It doesn't adversely affect patient care. You can't drag any patient into surgery without proper preparation. And you don't like anybody to get informed consent from your patients. Tough world.

I'm skipping your farewell party, because you needn't have any of your victims present.

Akbar Ali, I wish you luck in Roswell, NM. I don't predict you will make many anesthesia friends, but please do try a little harder, by letting them do their jobs. Even if they all come from thisa-stan or thata-stan, they'll still want to take good care of your patients--let them. Try not to mumble. Enunciate. Slow down.

You brag much about how much $ you'll make in New Mex. I like not to talk about money in the presence of people who earn far less. On all subjects: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

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