Sunday, November 15, 2020

Tennis Progress Nov 14

 YMCA racquetball court. My left handed blister just healed. Today I practiced the serve toss for kick serve. Left handed. My toss has improved in fits and starts but it isn't always right where I want it. When that happens I take a step in the direction of the ball so as to get it in the right position to make the stroke. That works. 

I've greatly improved how my racket contacts the ball while serving. I used to mishit the ball frequently . Born a right hander, I hit balls easily with the racket in that hand. Doing it with my left hand called for a complete restart. I'd been attacking the left handed kick serve many months now. I never had a right handed kick serve, so attaining some facility with a left handed kick serve completely surprised me. I earned a LH blister two weeks ago playing too much and started to practice right handed kick serves. That was fun. 

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