Friday, September 9, 2016

I want to go on a road trip, but

I want to go on a road trip, but my traveling partner has a tendency to talk too much and use too many filler words and phrases when thoughts don't materialize into speech fast enough..  

I give you:  A partial list of overused words that serve as nothing but filler or a substitute for UHHHHH.  Or for holding the floor before an audience that the speaker consciously/subconsciously believes will interrupt if a speaker pauses to let the words catch up in their flow from brain to vocal cords.

"Obviously"  If it is, then why are you telling me? 


"I think that”,
“you know”,
“what I’m trying to say is"
ya know what I mean?

This page discusses the causes and cures:

The hints are:

Step 1 — Assess how often you are using filler words.  Have some count them or record yourself!

How often are you inserting filler words?
Are they distracting?
Are they undermining your credibility?

Step 2 — Understand why you are doing it, and why it is unnecessary.

As stated above, the brain just  can't keep up with the mouth, so some part of the brain says to use a filler.

 Step 3 — Raise your level of preparation.
Know what you're going to say before you say it.  Get enough rest so that your brain can work properly.

Step 4B — Embrace the pause

And if someone does start talking, call them out on it.  Then continue where you left off.


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