Sunday, September 18, 2016

Stop using this word, too.

Listen, you under-30 people, please stop using the word "awesome"  Let's look up the definition of the word the next time you use and decide together if the situation merits "awesome."  Deal?

While you're at it, stop using the word "seriously" and "honestly"  Meaning, everything you've said before was a pack of lies?  And, you'll start telling the truth now? 

What do these words add to the meaning at your communications?  They just fill the quiet periods of your speech. Quiet is good, and especially if you don't throw your credibility out by using these gap fillers. 

"Awesome" comes up at a time when a cyclist who wanted a place to stay the night had texted that in response to me accepting him/her as a guest.  That person did not show up.  That is extremely inconsiderate. 

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