Saturday, March 6, 2021



At the Safeway store in my town. Over 550,000 dead in the United States from COVID and we have this guy who just doesn't think. NO MASK.

My immediate association was pickup truck driver. I left the store with my purchase and noticed him not far behind me, on the edge of my field of vision. Sure enough. A "man-sized" truck with the tell-tale rattle of a diesel power train.

 He then shouted, "that's the second time you had your phone out!" I didn't respond and kept walking. He drove around the parking lot not far from me, as I walked around--I stopped at a silver sedan and pretended to fumble for my keys. When the diesel rattle persisted, I started to walk back to the store, and he drove off.

This is a perfect example of an entitled person.  He knew he was flouting an important public health measure. People like this are dangerous from a public health standpoint. 

First question for Mr. Pickup Truck: what is wrong with you? Second question for Mr. Pickup Truck, if you were doing nothing wrong, wouldn't you think someone looking at their phone was just checking their shopping list? 

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