Sunday, September 24, 2017

Cycling Southbound from Aberdeen

Where do you go from here ?

You could take Highway 101 for 25 miles to Raymond, with hills, fast traffic and risk of death by logging truck, 

Biking to Raymond on the 101
but I'd go to Westport and ride south from there.  ... passing lanes and wide shoulders for 99.9% of the way.  Cars move left to avoid you.  

Riders who brought way too much gear should consider taking Highway 105 to Westport--by bus, to bypass fast traffic, five long rolling hills and two narrow bridges requiring special care.
Biking from Aberdeen to Twin Harbors State Park on the 105
Take the number 70 bus for $1.00 from the Aberdeen transit center to the Westport Park'n'Ride, near Twin Harbors State Park, reducing the extra distance to 5 miles.

The road from Twin Harbors State Park is flat with little traffic and has great ocean views.  

Just south of the State Park, turning right on Chester Avenue and following it south will keep you out of fast traffic for another mile. 

After that, turning left on Schmid Road, and staying to the left as you go south, takes you on a rustic journey through the cranberry farms of Grays Harbor County.  After that, you'll enjoy great ocean views and great roads.


Oct 1, 2017.  Yesterday, I biked from the Westport Park'n'Ride to Bruceport County Park and Campground. Much of the road from the cranberry farms to Raymond has fresh chipseal (rough).  From Dexter by the Sea to Raymond, the shoulder mostly disappears.   You can ride in the smoother right car track, keeping an eye on your mirror so you can move a few inches right when cars begin to overtake you, or just stay in the track if oncoming traffic dictates that strategy.  This route is really flat and makes sense if you overloaded your bike beyond reason and want/need to avoid riding up/down the hills mentioned above.  The County campground hadhot showers.  My bike is 31 lb with fenders, front & rear racks and a Brooks B17 leather saddle and my camping kit is 30 lb (I could drop 1-3 lb after I critically assess my kit).  Food and water added 5 lb. for a total loaded bike weight of 66 lb.  

Today, I rode 
from Raymond to Aberdeen on US 101.  While it included several long hills, the shoulders were much more generous with less debris and the road smoother (for now).  Motor vehicle traffic frequently gave me a very wide berth.  From Aberdeen to Artic, the shoulder was 3-5' (1-1.5m) wide.  After Artic, the shoulder widened to 9-10'  (3.3m) all the way to Raymond except for some narrowing at bridges and where the road had a passing lane.  Where Grays Harbor County ends and Pacific County begins, the shoulder includes a series of "wake up" trenches right next to the traffic lane--I felt safer for that.  Climbing the hills require patience and low gears, but the descents are thrilling.  US 101 is my choice for getting to Raymond from Aberdeen.  When road conditions warrant, I'll change this blog post.

I do recommend ultra-bright flashing tail lights and highly visible clothing for these and all roads.  Roll on!

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