Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Butterfly stroke:Two steps forward, three back

How I do progress slowly in swimming butterfly!  Keith Lile says my hips need to rise after my hands re-enter the water.  Where are my hips before my arms begin the trip forward over the water?  The stroke has so many components that need doing right at the right time.

In the clip above, at 26 seconds I start swimming a length of butterfly.  Shot with Panasonic Lumix TS30.

The only clue I have on my technique:  How do I feel: like I'm moving forward through the water, or do I feel like I'm floundering up and down trying to catch air?  I felt pretty good after swimming for that clip above.

Note to self: 
  1. Practice dolphin kick with hands at my side and strive to move forward and try to understand what effect letting my hips rise has on forward motion.
  2. Keep the hands gentle and soft after re-entry--keep them near the water surface.  let the chest/head flow forward and down and get ready to rise!
  3. Put in a good effort for the 2nd kick after the hands re-enter the water. It has to get me up to breathe and to keep my hands clear of the water during the recovery.  That means pre-load myself by extending the hips after the recovery kick.
  4. REMEMBER, this is a rhythm stroke.  Establish a rhythm before pushing off.  

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