Wednesday, November 9, 2016

I went swimming while the presidential vote was tallied

November 8, 2016.  I saw the map online of the voting trends with Florida and Pennsylvania colored pink for votes in favor of Trump.  I went to the swimming pool.  I swam for 45 minutes, working on freestyle and butterfly. 

I felt less energetic from having given two units of red cells the day before.  Given that limitation, I could work on feeling each part of the butterfly stroke.  Are my hands near the water surface as they begin their sweep backward?  How is the timing of the hip snap the knee snap and are my shoulders positioned for the arm sweep over the water?  How much of the stroke is up and down vs. forward driven?  Am I remembering to breathe deeply enough?

November 9, 2016.  Olympia.  The post presidential election mood is shocked, angry, depressed, disappointed with almost everyone I've seen.  Mark Hodgkins' house:  Alison opened the door when I rang and instantly offered me tea.  Doreen on the phone fir work related talk.  Mark changing out some part of a bike.  He has a list of to-do's that look like no one's idea of a day well spent--his RV needs a lift kit so he can go onto rough dirt roads to find a place to park overnight.    His stuff owns him--maybe more than my stuff owns me--I resolve to go home and look for stuff to give away, to simplify.  He's about to get under his RV to do some work--I'm so thrilled not to have one of those own me.  Me: what does that yellow bag contain?  Mark:  A sail for his sail board, borrowed it from Herbie--Me:  Herb and Carrie Weiss?--Mark:  Yes.
He knows Herb and Carrie!  So funny.

The Trump University trial will begin soon.  It may be interesting.

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