Sunday, November 13, 2016

Dreams that have no meaning? And "Reading, what's that?"

I dreamed that I left my front door unlocked to let Goodwill in to take my dining room table.  That I went home and found the dining room completely empty of everything else as well, though no other room had anything missing.  In the dream I had two abodes and was trying to remember which one was robbed.

Each time I awoke to either snack or pee, I remembered none of that was true, and each time I went back to sleep, the dream persisted.    I arrived home today from a hammock hang to find all well in my only residence.

I can't define the significance of the table, the theft nor the two places of residence.  

I must understand why I can't say I'm going to eat vegetarian in a social gathering?  What keeps me going back to socialize with people who thrive on material acquisition and show no interest in reading or in having their children read?  If they don't talk about reading books or newspapers, can I reasonably conclude that they don't read?  I sure hope not.

Mugs, a new convert to DeLorme InReach, told his story:  lost, sunburned, dehydrated and hungry after four days in the Wallowa Range in August 2016.  He found his position after calling Search and Rescue (SAR) and having his position triangulated properly on the second try.  If he didn't have a cell signal, maybe backtracking to the trailhead would have saved him--could he have found his way back?  He confessed to not having acquired and read a trail guide to the area, which would have told him his route wasn't maintained.  He also only took pieces of the maps he needed.  His map ended where SAR told him to go.  Saved only by one signal bar on his phone.

Missing still:  Kris "Sherpa" Fowler. Last seen ~October 11, 2016 in Packwood, cold (and hungry?), asking for work to fund a night at a local hotel.  Determined to finish, searchers assumed he hiked north from White Pass and disappeared.  His mother and other family returned to Ohio.  If only we could turn back time and give him a DeLorme InReach or an ACR--so sad to read of his disappearance. 

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