Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fit to be Tied

I had bought the black coat for the Grays Harbor Symphony concert--$14 from Goodwill in Olympia & Nordstroms branded to boot.  Now I just needed the tie, in solid black.  I skipped Goodwill store in Oly in my rush to get back to town to get my snow tires put on. I made a quick trip to the thrift store on B street and found a black tie with some pattern in gold thread--$2. @ 2 p.m. today, I began to color the gold threads with a black Sharpie pen--the coverage was marginal. would I have to do this several times?  Then I noticed that the tie was more navy blue than black. I didn't have enough sharpie pens in the house to color the whole tie!  I quickly thought of using black spray paint which I knew I had in the basement. I sprayed a light coat on the tie & it looked great! It was dry by the time I had to leave for the bishop center, tho it still smelled of paint. Now if I was lucky the smell sensitive flute players wouldn't get a whiff and fall over in bronchospasm.

The flute players survived and Mary Frye even said I looked good.

I quoted Rodney Dangerfield to Jeff Freed, et al, during intermission--we laughed.

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