Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Recent trip to Top foods.  Stopping at the bakery, where the tech was slicing a loaf of French bread for a couple, I asked aobut how they bake their bread.  Breads go 5 loaves to a tray and up to 22 trays will fit on the cart that holds the bread for fermenting and proofing.  To ferment the cart with dough is rolled into a retarding room about the size of a very large refrigerator, which is kept at a temperature lower than room temp--I'd love to know that temp!  Then for proofing, it is rolled into a similar sized room at about 90 degrees F.  following proofing it goes into a steam injected oven (again the same size)

I forgot to ask if each loaf is kneaded or just stretched and folded.

Also is the dough fermented in one huge volume?

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