Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Return from winter...

...actually, the last days of spring. cold, wet air & colder water.

Wednesday. Debbie N. called & emailed about Camp David. Thursday, I committed--loaded GPS waypoints for Anacortes Ferry terminal & Thatcher Pass.

Friday p.m. Drove with Deb to Washington State Park . Tents w/rainflies--preparation for rain paid off.

Sat a.m. Broke camp. To Mt Vernon to drop off fertilizer for Deb's job. quick meal at Big Apple, then to Guemes ferry terminal where we loaded Steve B.'s 100 lb kayak. Erik and Mark (photo) arrived w/their canoe. Eric, 87 y.o., has paddled the San Juan Islands since age of 11. We paddled to Blakely Is for lunch and then to Spencer Spit to camp. Rode a couple of ferry boat wakes enroute. Dinner courtesy of David Halpern & members of San Juan Canoe and Kayak Club. The sun splashed for an hour or two, not quite warm enough, but bright.

Sunday, Breakfast by San Juan Canoe and Kayak Club, then a little discussion w/David Halpern re: San Juan Canoe and Kayak Club. Waivers, insurance, dues, etc...

...then a 45 minute nap before loading the kayak for the long slog from Spencer Spit St. Park to Anacortes Guemes ferry terminal. hoping for a push from a flood tide--it was not to be. Instead, some confused waters, wind. would have liked to have current charts to know where we'd catch push. Steve's kayak: heavy but very stable.

Out of water, to Lummi res to drop off Steve's kayak. Hm. Must find a lighter boat (Pygmy Double?) to borrow for next trip if ever again.

Great to see David again.

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