Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A nice ride

Drove the Huki OC2 to Olympia on a very sunny Monday. Lexi and I went to Swantown, where I set up the canoe, and positioned the iako a bit higher on the ama than usual. We paddled Budd Inlet for about 70-80 minutes. We got maybe 2/3 the distance to Boston Harbor before we turned. On the way back we flipped. Pretty funny. A water bottle & my flip flops came out of the bungee cords--I'm thinking "yard sale." No waves, nothing. My fault for rigging the boat "light."

I've started repairing the ama of our V2A. Jude at Huki gave instructions on the repair after drying it out as follows: leave it standing on end in the sun to vaporize the water & it would condense in the bottom at night--pour out the water in the a.m. Vern reminded me that the sun doesn't shine quite as bright or often here as at the Huki factory in Sacramento. We'd have to do something different.

Yesterday, I poured fresh water into the ama and drained it. Today, I drilled holes near the bolts, put a tube into the plug hole, passed a vacuum hose over it and bunched a plastic bag at the base as a crude seal to get more air to pass through the holes. I thought about hooking up a handheld hair dryer and blowing air into the ama, but could even the low setting damage something or even set the house afire? Here: a picture showing the bolt on the ama with gross builder's caulk at the base--it might have plugged the leak before, but it not since we got the canoe.

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