Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fixed OC2

All day yesterday, driving to Vanc BC, waiting at customs, from 8 a.m. til 11:30 p.m.

Called Keith L. to help move Huki into LR for epoxying. K looked at damage, a crack in the hull-deck seam near the bow, and used dremel to cut a wider groove. suggested pushing a bead of epoxy into the groove.

K left.

Attached vacuum cleaner hose to the vent plug hole. listening, easily found the leak at the rear iako receiver hole. easily heard the leak at the bow. vacuum off--repaired with thickened epoxy. 5 hours later, turned on the vacuum again. 3rd leak at the end of the seat track of front seating position. Will call Jude on Monday to discuss repair.

Mowed lawn--is it time to cover lawn & turn it to flower/veggie garden?

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