Thursday, May 19, 2011

Even the extra dwarf choy sum

is coming up. The seeds were a bit dated. 2008, maybe. Hoping some cilantro will grow, but John F. already has some thriving in his greenhouse--I've been invited to steal veggies anytime--no need to grow my own. Maybe grow some midget carrots and radishes.

Grayland for clam digging. clams in all sizes, but not very many big ones. Was told the clamming was very easy yest.--difficult today, taking 1.5 hour to get the limit. went to Half Moon Bay and then the Groin to watch surfers try to ride breaking waves--they live dangerously. Surf shop to look at warmer neoprene booties.

It's 62 degrees out. even at that temp my hands got cold kayaking today. Resumed the stroke revision which corrected problem throwing water on my back and head. Not really sure what my stroke looks like.
I bought a refurbished Kodak waterproof digicam. About $90. Need to cancel XM radio to pay for that. I am still spending money. Need to watch it.

The music for Bob Richardson's last concert in GH isn't really difficult--just need to spend a few minutes looking at it. Never knew I'd like Shostakovich. Good stuff.

Glued on the lower coaming for Tern 14. Glassed the upper coaming and hip braces.

Looked at cost of repairing drysuit gaskets. about 75 as DIY job.

I bought a refurbished Kodak waterproof digicam. About $90. Need to cancel XM radio to pay for that. I am still spending money. Need to watch it.

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