A week ago, I took the outrigger canoe up the Wishkah River, About 1/4 mile up, I ran into a log, which forced the rudder up into the hull. I inspected the damage--big hole. I paddled back to the put in and found that about 8-10 lb of water had entered the hull. After letting it drain out, I got the boat home to dry some more. The next day, I sanded with a Dremel a rectangle around the defect and laid in a small patch of fiberglass. A day later, on inspection of my repair, I saw that the defect was too big for the cloth to be rigid. I cut through the glass above the gash, mixed some epoxy thickened with wood flour and filled the defect. It is now hard and rigid. It just needs paint, a bit of sanding and back into the water!
I bought a Pygmy Arctic Tern 14 kayak kit six years ago, started building three years ago and was adding glib quotes on the hull, when I got distracted and stopped building. I resumed building 3 weeks ago. I have logged about 54 hours building now. I have the deck on the hull, glassed and have started work on the coaming (cockpit rim) Reading ahead & knowing the instructions I combined steps to avoid delays incurred by waiting for epoxy to cure. All of the coaming pieces and the hip braces I have coated with epoxy today. Tomorrow, another coat of epoxy to lower coaming, hip braces and upper coaming.
John F. called today. He just got back from NYC touring with Meryl. He & I took the double OC up the Chehalis for about an hour. I didn't do much coaching other than to suggest that he rotate a bit more, bend the blade side leg and push the boat forward while stroking. Good speed.
Breakfast and dinner: I fried brown rice with frozen mixed veggies and egg. Fish sauce is anchovies, water, salt and sugar. good.
Lunch was open faced tuna sandwich with tomato and Swiss chard from the tote in the front patio. good.
Garden note. Baby choysum is coming up--don't remember how many days they took to germinate. Planted Cilantro today. More blooms on the tomato plants. Shook them a bit, hoping to pollinate and get fruit. three snow pea plants doing well.
Also tomorrow, to Walmart for Clamming license and call Gh college for tickets.