Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summary of trip to Olympic NP part i

Wow, what a tough hike up to Flapjack Lakes. Wednesday July 7, 2010, about 2 p.m. I figured I could drive to Staircase Ranger Stn arrive ~4 p.m. and get my wilderness permit. Wrong. No one at the entrance booth & no one at the ranger stn. The permit stand outside the door of the stn said, no self registration for Flapjack Lks. I wandered a bit, then saw the entrance attendant in a truck crossing the Skokomish R. & then the Ranger. Finally got my permit at 5:20 p.m. On the trail at 5:35 walked the first 4 miles in 1:15 then turning sharply uphill & saw that it would take 3 more hours to get to Flapjacks--2400' climb over 4 miles. Arrived just before total darkness. was able to set up camp, clean up a bit and slip into bag & sleep. A.M. brought clear skies & bright sun after it cleared the bowl surrounding the lakes. Met neighbors, Doug Terry & nephew, meetup.com hiker Lee.

Great day to explore toward Gladys Divide, but we came up against soft slushy snow and steep terrain. Were pretty sure of our position, about 3750 ft due N of Mt. Lincoln at 4400' elevation.

Back to camp to wander around the lakes in my flip flops, stubbing a toe on a branch and losing a few ml of blood. Some housekeeping. Love my stove, sleeping bag. Love iodine water purification tabs. Love my MSR Missing Link tent. Just cannot understand how I carried big loads with camera, tripod, etc in past at Ansel Adams Wilderness, and at Kings Canyon. Forgot to bring sleeping mitts for my hands and didn't leak test my REI water bag/pillow. Not at all sure how I'd handle something like the Appalachian Trail or the Pacific Crest Trail. I will need a few more

Shared some of Doug's bounty of indiv wrapped cheese and sausage--energy food! brought my dinner to sit w/Doug, Lee, et al. I read aloud from The NY Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance, bringing laughter to all.

Up Friday. Love granola from the Marketplace, Aberdeen. dry mild is a-ok. hike back to car. Met Doug etal in Burger shack in Hoodsport. Home to Aberdeen. Gotta go out again!

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