Friday, July 29, 2016

The motion control lights and the hammock

Hah. I figured out how to hang my hammock and sleep indoors under the motion controlled lights in my living room.

In 2006, I had the roof replaced. The roofers shorted out the low voltage switch system.  I had 110V AC to each ceiling box, but no way to turn them on/off, until Frank Gordon, (Gordon Electric) suggested motion control.  I installed motion control almost everywhere that the short affected.  In two bedrooms I installed wireless switches and receivers.

Two years ago I began to learn about using hammocks for camping.  In 2015 I walked 2000 miles camping along the Pacific crest trail.  I slept mostly in my hammock.  When I finally stopped hiking and got home I began to sleep in a hammock in the house.  I mostly slept in the living room where the motion detector turns on the light when it detects thermal changes.

The device was so sensitive that it could detect me even under a tarp that I set up over me, hoping against just that.  I didn't have to move.  When it detected enough of a change in the air temperature anywhere close, "click" went the lights. Sometimes I'd retreat to my bed where I had hung a small plank to block motion detection over the area of the bed.

After a few months, I thought about adding a layer of reflectix or insulation over me.  Finally, I had a "light bulb" moment in my head--I could either unscrew the light bulbs or flip the circuit breaker to the room.  Elated, I took down the turtledog stand and I now hang from hooks in the walls.

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