Went to a reading by Davis Sadaris last night. This was our fifth time seeing him and finally got a chance to get a book signed and chat him up a little. We discussed his recent root canal (3 days ago), OxyContin, Advil, and his kidney stones. He also spoke about being called a racist by an Asian woman because he told her he thought he recognized her from someplace. Lastly, he couldn't explain why he drew a hangman's noose in our book-he said he was curious what it would look like. Hopefully we weren't the ones pushing him over the edge.
Diane Hodgkins Because he was dyin' over there, listening to you?
Mark Hodgkins I so hope not b
Hildreth Cooper He was in Durango two nights ago, but it was sold out for months. Maybe he just assumed you were into lynching?
Jeffrey Wong S l o w . D.OW.N. w.h.e.n y.o.u. post. Check the spelling of the author's name against what's printed on the book cover--most likely the publisher got it. . . right.
Jeffrey Wong And yes, we do all look alike to you white folks. :+)
Jeffrey Wong Oh, and I'm still waiting for the post of the group selfie with your tongue in his ear! Lol
Like · Reply · 13 hrs · Edited
Diane Hodgkins Spell checking a FB post? Highly unusual....
Jeffrey Wong Mindfulness may be unusual. Nothing is worth doing if it's not worth doing well.
Jeffrey Wong Never mind spell checking FB posts. If you can't spell the name of an author that you've targeted for an autograph FIVE times, what does that say about you? LOL! I can see from the image with the original post that the correct spelling is NOT Davis Sadaris, Of course, I can't rule out my having missed a deliberate misspelling of the name, as revenge for his having drawn a noose, of which I'd say you may have just gotten something quite rare.....
Jeffrey Wong ...which means that you should definitely continue the practice of whatever it takes to get an unusual response such as David's. I applaud you for not just sneaking your book up to the author, uttering a meek "thanks, I have all your books" and running away dumb, numb and happy. Still LOL.
Oops, I hope I didn't offend anyone. I probably did. Oh, well. All in a day's writing. But where is my own material? I hiked 2000 miles and I have naught to say?
More time on that Brooks leather bicycle saddle. More time in the swimming pool.