Monday, December 30, 2013

noodle dinner

Carrots and/or eggplant, sliced, need to boil about 10 min
Add noodles according to how long they need to boil and when the eggplant & carrots will be "done"

other ingredients:
Italian sausage, (Tofurky or real)
brussel sprouts
carrots, sliced thin, also need to boil  about 10 min

If draining the cooking water, choose between:

  • Spaghetti sauce or 
  • pesto
  • olive oil & balsamic vinegar
  • Tabasco sauce
  • pepper
Flavorings for soup:
  • fish sauce if you want a soup
  • Soy sauce
  • sesame oil
Toppings, choose from:
  • sunflower seeds
  • fresh tomatoes
  • Romano or Parmesan cheese

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