Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fit to be Tied

I had bought the black coat for the Grays Harbor Symphony concert--$14 from Goodwill in Olympia & Nordstroms branded to boot.  Now I just needed the tie, in solid black.  I skipped Goodwill store in Oly in my rush to get back to town to get my snow tires put on. I made a quick trip to the thrift store on B street and found a black tie with some pattern in gold thread--$2. @ 2 p.m. today, I began to color the gold threads with a black Sharpie pen--the coverage was marginal. would I have to do this several times?  Then I noticed that the tie was more navy blue than black. I didn't have enough sharpie pens in the house to color the whole tie!  I quickly thought of using black spray paint which I knew I had in the basement. I sprayed a light coat on the tie & it looked great! It was dry by the time I had to leave for the bishop center, tho it still smelled of paint. Now if I was lucky the smell sensitive flute players wouldn't get a whiff and fall over in bronchospasm.

The flute players survived and Mary Frye even said I looked good.

I quoted Rodney Dangerfield to Jeff Freed, et al, during intermission--we laughed.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Redux: REI Flash 65 pack

The waist belt and shoulder cinch straps start to loosen up after a few minutes--that lets the load down on my buttocks and lets the load fall rearward.  I was thinking this was endemic to the pack & began to look at other packs in the REI Oly store. REI chick came by and we looked at another Flash 65 pack whose straps didn't slip. Bring your pack back for an exchange, said she.
Recent trip to Top foods.  Stopping at the bakery, where the tech was slicing a loaf of French bread for a couple, I asked aobut how they bake their bread.  Breads go 5 loaves to a tray and up to 22 trays will fit on the cart that holds the bread for fermenting and proofing.  To ferment the cart with dough is rolled into a retarding room about the size of a very large refrigerator, which is kept at a temperature lower than room temp--I'd love to know that temp!  Then for proofing, it is rolled into a similar sized room at about 90 degrees F.  following proofing it goes into a steam injected oven (again the same size)

I forgot to ask if each loaf is kneaded or just stretched and folded.

Also is the dough fermented in one huge volume?