Friday, July 1, 2011

2nd varnish coat on hull

Left, das boot. I applied the 2nd varnish coat on hull of the Tern 14. Looking quite nice.

Planted some basil from a 2004 seed packet. Hope something happens. Also planted a bunch of extra dwarf Choy Sum. I hope.

The eggplant looks pretty pathetic. It will lose its place in line to zucchini if it doesn't fruit.

This Old Boat. Got in the Wishkah w/ Epic 18 to work on my form--setup, catch, power, release. Paddle length seems right at 210 cm--maybe could lose 1-2 cm. I turned back after 25 min when I looked & didn't find 2nd water bottle--figured it fell into water near put-in. I thought, "If I was a bottle in the Wishkah River, where would I go?" After letting the boat drift near where I thought the bottle may have dropped, it didn't seem that it would have gone much further than the swirling eddies where the Wishkah dumped into the Chehalis. After not finding the bottle, I paddled down the Chehalis to ride waves. Then the rudder's left foot pedal fell apart and the wind blew off my visor. Rudder was impossible to control. I picked up the visor & rode a few waves, but the boat wanted to broach--I wondered how the Pygmy Coho or Tern 14 would have behaved. I nursed the 18 back to the put in and found my 2nd water bottle next to the car. Then while removing the boat from the car, I felt a breach in the seam between deck and hull on the left side of the cockpit. Boat repair time!

Foot pedal easily reassembled, but who knows how many thousand turns before it falls apart again?

Tomorrow for fiberglass repair of seam. Boat will also need paint or varnish--no big deal to repaint this boat, right?

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