Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Insanity and learning tennis

Hitting tennis balls with Tom. I said I created a spreadsheet to calculate the lowest percentage of good serves one could hit and still win a game. 31.25% if you only played through one deuce score, and the more deuce scores played in a game the closer one could approach a low of 25%. Tom didn’t comment, if he was listening.  

I pointed out a technique to improve his aim on groundstrokes, which he found helpful. After an hour of hitting,I prepared to leave. I watched as Tom hit over 75% of serves out. 

Me: is your serve improving?

Tom: it could be better

Me: I thought you just liked to knock the felt off the balls.  how would it be better?

Tom:I want a better toss. 

Me: when you have a better toss, does that make anything else better?

Tom: it’ll make my serve more consistent

Me: YouTube has a bunch of great instructions for that. I’ve sent you links before. The tip I gave you today came from YouTube  

Tom: I’ll get better if I just practice

Me, thinking: the definition of insanity, doing the same thing and expecting different results.

Me, aloud: okay, see ya later!

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