Saturday, October 1, 2016

Latest Bread Loaves 71% water, 14 hours, 80 degrees.

50 gm of starter (made from SAF Instant Yeast in a batch of dough that I never baked)
400 gm of white flour
50 gm of whole wheat flour
320 gm of water  (320gm/450 gm flour=71%)
1.5 teaspoons salt

Fermented at about 80-85 degrees for 14 hours
Baked in a casserole dish preheated for 45 minutes at 450 degrees, covered for 40 minutes, uncovered for 7 minutes.  Corn meal on the bottom to prevent sticking.
 A shot from above:

Fine crust, Olde Worlde crumb, sour taste.  A loaf went across the street to new neighbors, Vern, Caroline and Bella.

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