Saturday, March 22, 2014

Swim blog: butta'fly

One cannot photograph or otherwise record a feeling that one can re-experience on playback.  I have been feeding myself Tylenol, naprosyn and Glucosamine/chondroitin for a few weeks now.  That in combination with some physical therapy stretches and strengthening moves have reduced my right shoulder discomfort to where I can commit myself to paddling a good Ski to Sea 2014 race.

The shotgun combo of drugs seemed to help with swimming.  I hiked from noon to 2 p.m. with some big hills, came home and napped for three hours.  I got to the pool by 5:30, swam a few laps of freestyle and breast stroke sandwiching some kicking laps.  I swam a few dolphin kick laps and noticed a feeling that my calf wanted to cramp, which brought me to swim a few dolphin kick laps focusing on just the hip flexion and extension phase, ignoring everything below the knees beyond keeping my feet together.  I swam one armed fly, breaking into full stroke by mid length, still focusing on hip flexion as well as timing the hand release with hip flexion.  The stroke felt fluid and the energy seemed directed toward forward progress with little vertical motion.  I could even swim 50 yards of fly without the usual exhaustion.  This had to have been an unrepeatable fluke, but I loved the feeling even knowing that I cannot press "Replay."

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