Saturday, January 18, 2014

Swim team

The Aberdeen High School men's swim team takes over the YMCA pool at 3:15.  About 15-25 minutes before that. they arrive at the pool and start bringing in more lane lines.  Sometimes they put them in the water at one side of the pool at lane 2 or 3 and drag them across the pool to lanes 5, 6 and 7.   Today, they dragged a line across my lane during my workout.  I found myself on top of the lane line in mid stroke.  I didn't quite know what to say right away and finished swimming.

I got out of the water at 3:15.  On the way to the locker room, my need to say something evolved.  Without knowing what I would say, I began speaking to one of the perpetrators in the presence of the coach, "When do you get the pool for practice?"
The perp and the coach said in unison, "3:15."
"Do you mind not dragging the lane lines over swimmers before you get the pool?  Would It kill you to wait 30 seconds?"  I blurted out the last question and walked to the locker room.

It wasn't enough to direct my concerns to the perpetrators.  I went to the front desk people who called out Dan Brown, to speak with me.  Dan agreed that the team's action was disrespectful and unsafe.

I thanked Dan and went home.

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