Wednesday, June 19, 2013

swimming Butterfly

I was drowning trying this stroke.  It was not swimming.  Then Keith taught me a one handed drill  (2 or 3 on each side then switching).  I was still drowning when I tried to translate it to actual swimming.

I went to the pool yesterday and did more drills and drowned some more.  I left the pool.  While heading for the shower, I thought about the drill and how I should slow the whole drill down.  I stood on the pool deck and wiggled through the motions of the one handed drill with hip flexion, remembering the path the hand takes from entry at midline to its sweep to the side, the hourglass shaped pull.  I swam the drill slowly for 50 yards.
I figured that I was trying to hurry the hand sweep and trying to get one arm sweep cycle to each dolphin kick.

Watching confirmed two dolphin kicks to each arm sweep cycle.  I saw how the dolphin kick involved more knee bend than I was taught recently.  A somewhat larger number of folk say hips and back vs. knees.

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