Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dones for the weekend

Sat. Watered blueberries.
 washed more windows.
played violin,
reviewed some Mandarin
Paddled the outrigger canoe up the Wishkah River
paid bills
Sanded kayak seat a bit.
Moved strawberries to more sunny location on deck.
picked up cardboard from Walmart
nailed cross bars for blueberry cage gate opening on SW side of house. Shot two arrows into back lawn twice.

Sunday. applied weed killer to grass. moved mulch from the Sunshine Blue blueberries on side of house to the blueberry cage, placed cardboard where I had the weed cloth
More Mandarin lessons.
Mindless moment:  mixed more weedkiller. used twice the recommended amount. Read about killing bamboo.
Sanded kayak seat a bit more.
Paddled the OC1 up/down the Chehalis for 1 hour.
Washed a couple windows, hung up a blind that hadn't been up for 5 years.
Watered blueberries.
Moved one kale box to more shaded location in hopes of less growth.
Removed both front porch lights and sanded off most of the rust & paint. installed a bare bulb until lights can be repainted. Bought 80 grit sanding disks.
Bought primer for lights. Do I need to remove the pitted rust spots on the lights?
Shot two arrows into back lawn.

forgot to buy fruits. Monday plans: Replace weed cloth on top of cardboard and lay mulch on top.  buy bread flour and basil. Maybe plant eggplant seeds just in case this is a good year for the garden  Eggplants can go near the blueberries in back yard or side yard.  Think about another garden area with less shade.
Orchestra rehearsal at 7 p.m.
Practice violin.

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