Sunday, April 3, 2011

Everything seems to be about paddling

Friday, April 1. It started as a day to paddle. a very gentle breeze from the east, and some medium thick clouds above. Keith L. came to the house, got his canoe atop my car. On the water at Cozzi by 8:50. We cruised upstream for about 30 min and turned back. Keith said he was too old for competition--I didn't let him get away with that and replied, "No way, you're very competitive. If you were in the same boat as I, I wouldn't stand a chance." Shortly after turning, the rain began. It started light progressed to medium but without a dry spot between raindrops. We got off the water very wet.

Sat April 2. Did it rain? I tink so. I watched the first 3 episodes of Dexter and rode rollers for about 1:48 of that--then quit--useless show. I can't think much beyond, "I'm hot" while cycling inside. mixed bread dough.

Sun April 3.
Bleach is great. All right I read Barrons--boring. sprayed some bleach on the concrete wall, then looked at the house siding where I'd sprayed before. The green algae had turned clear. Bleach is great. Rack on the car. Boat on the rack. on the river for 40 minutes. Home. Whoops, bread dough had proofed for 3(!) hours. Baked bread. turned out ok in the 9" pan--dome shaped 3.375" tall and nice crumb with holes up to .75". Tuesday's bread came out discoid, I assume from dropping it into the pan--that's just not right.

The tomatoes in the basement under the kitchen have been dead for weeks, maybe months. Lights have been on them, but ten of the thirty have burned out. What a waste of $ on those LED lights. Really stupid to be an early adopter, when the regular metal halide and sodium lights are so cheap. Trimming them to the ground. now.

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