Friday, August 20, 2010

Artisan Bread N+2

Artisan Bread 8/19/2010

Biga 1045 a.m.
2.5 Cups Whole wheat
1.0 C water
1/4 tsp yeast

Dough made
1.25 tsp yeast
3.25 c water
All the biga
4 tsp salt
6.5 c organic whole wheat
1 c bread flour

Dough looks right. This time 9 cups of organic whole wheat from the Marketplace, Aberdeen, WA & 1 cup of bread flour.
rising on counter for 2 hr then into fridge overnight.
1/4 of dough (615 gm) taken out left to rise some more in bowl. Remembered after t hr that I didn't knead it. So stretch and fold x3 at 30 min intervals. left to rise on a floured towel in perfed colander & covered with a bowl. at 1.5 hours, turned onto parchment paper, using a disc the size of the dough to keep it from dropping and collapsing.

into the oven? Yes. The 1st loaf turned out at 8" diameter and 3" high. Found a thermometer in a drawer & stuck it into the the loaf--200 deg.

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