Three Mile Island was a nuclear disaster in 1979.
Trump is 2020's Three Mile Island nuclear disaster. He's built a mere three miles of new wall on the southern border. He's becoming more and more isolated, more like an island that no one wants to visit. The economy is in shambles, infrastructure rebuilding is less than a wisp in the memory banks, his poll numbers have plummeted, he separated and caged immigrant children, he tried to blackmail Ukraine to get "dirt"on his political opponent, he embraced autocratic rulers of Russia, North Korea, China and the Philippines, he defiled the Bill of Rights by having protesters tear gassed and beaten for a photo op with a Bible and over 120,000 Americans have died in a pandemic so poorly mismanaged that while countries like Cambodia (Cambodia?) and New Zealand have triumphed, the numbers of afflicted in America are still rising as fast as before.