Friday, January 25, 2013

Stove top Popcorn trials

I taught my mom how to pop corn on the stovetop, because she hadn't done it for so long.  She likes the organic stuff, so we bought some.

Our first pick:  Trader Joe sells organic popcorn in the bag for popping on the stove top.  It tastes decent, but it doesn't pop completely.  Too many kernels pop to where a fluffy state, but still have hard pieces of the kernel attached.  A fair number of kernels didn't pop at all, maybe ten or so of a quarter cup.  The popped corn isn't very big.  One can find many better popcorns in stores.  After half a bag, TJ popcorn was retired for a trial of Eden popcorn.  Rating: 2/5

Eden popcorn seems much better.  Far fewer partially popped kernels than TJ's.  Good flavor.  Very few unpopped kernels.  Rating 4.5/5

Bob's Red Mill popcorn.  the jury is out, because my mom liked the Eden popcorn so well, we didn't open this package yet.