In an odd moment while looking at my own socks (below) I gave in to my curiosity re: how many stitches they'd have. At completion, at 56 st/row & 11 rows per inch and with 5" of leg above the heel flap & an 11" foot, the pair will have 19,712 stitches (give or take a thousand). At a rate of 1 stitch every 4.6 seconds (112 stitches timed today for this calculation), which includes sliding stitches along the cables, etc. it takes 25.2 hours to complete. That doesn't include knitting a gauge patch nor the time to close the toes. Still fun to do something quasi-mindless while listening to radio, books on tape, etc.
With that in mind, my socks shouldn't be simply a testament to whether I'm smart enough to knit a sock, but rather something more of a personal statement.