Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sometimes I know how to paddle.

Mostly I just think I know how. I went kayaking in Budd Inlet in Olympia 10 days ago. As usual, my technique included the paddle blades throwing water onto my head and torso. One of the rowers coming in at the same time asked if I fell into the water. I said I was a sloppy paddler.

A couple days later, I put the boat into the water again, vowing to whip the problem. I changed the plane through which the recovering blade moves so that it didn't include me. That plane is parallel to the long axis of the kayak and almost vertical. It took 8 years for me to get this right, but I got it right. No one ever pointed out why I was so wet after kayaking. Formerly, I thought paddling wet was a given condition of using a wing paddle. I used to finish a paddle workout totally wet with water in the cockpit even using a spray skirt. Now, if I get a few drops on me, I know how to correct with the next stroke. mostly, now I'm wet from perspiration. I forgot my spray skirt a few days ago--not too much water in the cockpit. I know how to paddle. Until tomorrow.